作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
验证专家 在产品管理方面

Abhishek是一位具有软件工程背景的高级产品经理. He is a former B2C 产品经理 at 亚马逊, 他在哪里发现并实现了对用户体验的大量改进.




在开发过程中,产品经理需要培养和维护与许多人的关系. The most intimate of these, 然而, will be with the product user. 你应该彻底了解他们:他们是谁,他们的喜好,他们的需求. One way to develop and maintain this relationship is by writing 用户故事.

就像宣言和愿景文档一样,用户故事是一个不可分割的部分 产品开发. 好的用户故事是推动高效规划和交付的关键, 团队参与, and customer satisfaction. 模糊的用户故事通常表明团队将努力完成进一步的任务-这是我作为一名工程师经常目睹的 产品经理.

我参与过一些成功的初创公司,也有一些失败了,这让我亲身体会到花时间构思高质量用户故事的重要性. 本指南将帮助您和您的团队掌握每个元素,并一次又一次地编写高质量的用户故事.


用户故事是产品的一个小增量,表示它将为最终用户提供的价值. 一组用户描述 创造史诗, and a single product can comprise multiple epics. 用户故事可以进一步分解为更准确地反映工作和概述如何完成故事的任务. 用户故事通常采用这样的公式:用户-功能-效益, which can be applied effectively to most industries and businesses.

A large circle filled with small circles, each filled with smaller circles, representing the relationship between tasks, 用户故事, 和史诗.

通常, 产品经理 负责编写用户故事,但有时这可能落在 产品负责人, Scrum master, or engineering manager. 理想情况下,每个用户描述都将由承担这项工作的一个或几个人进行审查.

What Are the Benefits of a Good 用户故事?

A good user story has several benefits for the 团队与产品:

  • 定义“谁”并从用户的角度进行写作,可以确保将重点放在客户身上, rather than on what the team wants or prefers.
  • 定义“是什么”澄清了完成任务的人的标准,也就是所谓的执行者. Anything that’s not in the story can be considered out of scope.
  • 定义“为什么”可以激励执行者,帮助他们理解交付成果对用户生活的影响.
  • 定义用户价值可以帮助在开始工作之前识别不太有益的特性,从而潜在地浪费资源.

What Does a Good 用户故事 Look Like?

If, 例如, you are building a house for your customer, one of your stories would be about creating the enclosing walls. 一个糟糕的用户故事可能会说“我需要墙”——确定“什么”,但仅此而已. A better one would be: “作为房主, I want my house to have enclosing walls to keep out the elements, and so the roof doesn’t fall on my head.“我相信, 虽然, that if a user story is truly fulfilling its purpose, it should clearly and concisely answer all of the following questions:

  • 用户是谁??
  • 用户想要什么? 为什么 does the user want this?
  • How should the engineering team interpret this story?
  • Does this story depend on another story being completed beforehand?
  • Does the completion of this story enable another story in the backlog?
  • 范围是什么.e., what are the minimum criteria)?
  • 这个故事有多大.e., where does it fall on the estimation scale)?

This is the template I use—it has evolved with my product management knowledge and worked well for me for many years:








To fully envision the user, teams work with many different personas, so it is important to be as detailed as possible.


用户想要什么? 为什么 does the user want this?

“作为房主, 我想在我的家周围装饰成对角线编织图案的砖墙,因为我每天都会看到它们,希望它们是一个令人愉快的景象.”

To understand the motivation of the user and their reasoning.


How should the engineering team interpret this story?

The user wants elaborate walls, 所以我们需要建立一个规则的中央墙,然后有脚手架所需的风格(i.e.(斜线编织). We can use regular bricks for the core wall, 但是需要使用高质量的装饰砖来装饰墙两侧的立面层.



Does this story depend on another story being completed beforehand?

In order to start work on this, 房子的地基需要完成,准备在上面建造.



Does the completion of this story enable another story in the backlog?





There should be a continuous set of exterior walls around the house, with a diagonal basketweave-style facade on both sides of the wall. 墙的端到端宽度应不小于12英寸.

To define when a story is complete. The solution will need to include everything listed here.




To loosely estimate delivery time for the overall story. 然后,执行者将为每个任务完成更细粒度的评估.


When it comes to judging whether 用户故事 are good or bad, there is a pervasive myth that I want to dispel.

Many people believe that a user story should be completed in a 单一的冲刺, and, if it isn’t, it was a bad user story. 事实并非如此. 当然, 最好是在sprint中完成用户描述(这应该是可以实现的)。, 但是团队的带宽和外部因素可能会影响可以完成的工作量——这在每个sprint之间都是不同的. 也, estimates generally assume that every development team member has the same skill level across all domains; the fact is, 经验丰富的工程师比初级工程师完成任务所需的时间要少.

You shouldn’t try to craft short 用户故事 just so that they will be completed quickly; rather, 您的用户描述应该设法表示交付的价值的逻辑增量. Don’t let a schedule dictate your creation of a compelling user story.

Keep the User Front and Center in Your Mind

我发现,当我对自己的能力有信心时,项目是最愉快、最成功的 用户的知识—you can learn more about my experiences on my 个人博客. 无论我是在推销新功能还是与我的团队决定交付范围, 知道用户会说什么是测试我的视觉的最可靠的方法. 它是, 然而, 如果我不经常想到他们,就很容易失去与用户的联系,因此也就失去了“为什么”. 对于大多数产品经理来说,这是事实,他们的注意力经常被拉到其他任务和职责上. 编写好的用户故事可以帮助您和您的团队成员在您的脑海中保持用户的形象, and even enhance your relationship with them.


  • How do you write a user story?

    When writing a user story, you should include details about the user persona, 他们想要什么,为什么, how the story will be broken down into tasks, any other connected or affected stories, 故事的范围, 和大小.

  • 为什么 is a user story valuable?

    A good user story encourages a customer-centric approach, provides clarity of purpose, 激励团队成员, 提高效率.

  • What are the three parts of a user story?

    至少, a user story should identify three essential things: who the user is, 他们想要什么, 以及他们为什么想要它.

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验证专家 在产品管理方面

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Member since September 29, 2020


Abhishek是一位具有软件工程背景的高级产品经理. He is a former B2C 产品经理 at 亚马逊, 他在哪里发现并实现了对用户体验的大量改进.

作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.




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