作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
验证专家 在产品管理方面

作为成长型产品经理, 敏捷专家, 以及数字创新顾问, 菲利普帮助客户, 无论是初创公司还是老牌公司, use data to deliver an improved user experience and increase product performance.



肖恩·埃利斯 coined the term “增长的黑客” in 2010 to describe the use of low-cost, 以客户为中心的, and data-led initiatives to quickly acquire and keep customers. Silicon Valley behemoths, including Uber, Pinterest, and Airbnb, used the 增长的黑客 产品管理方法论 在婴儿期. 自那以来,增长指标已成为产品营销的内在要素,并经常为投资轮次提供信息. Whereas once a large profit margin was seen as the predictor of prosperity, a high user growth rate has now become synonymous with success.

在刚刚起步的几年里,Netflix、Slack和Facebook的平均用户采用率为 74%, 188%和200%分别. A focus on growth is not just the remit of startups, however. 是什么让这些公司成为了真正的强者,它们对增长的渴望超越了最初的疯狂成功. 即使是成熟的企业也必须有持续改进的心态来跟上竞争. 因此,这只是时间问题 产品经理成长 已创建角色.

对谷歌搜索词“增长型产品经理”的趋势分析显示,从2017年到2021年,平均每月利息增长了149%,令人印象深刻. Dropbox和TikTok等公司已经招聘了增长产品经理(gpm)。, and other SaaS businesses are increasingly recognizing the role’s value. 随着它在硅谷的地位不断巩固, 招聘经理 其他地方的领导人可能会想:政府绩效经理是做什么的,我们是否应该招募一个?

从谷歌趋势中提取的“成长型产品经理”搜索词的月平均兴趣图. 2017: 26.5. 2018: 36.6. 2019: 43.8. 2020: 62.2. 2021: 66. __A value of 100 is the peak popularity for the term.


Although you may have heard of growth product management, you may not know what it translates to in terms of responsibilities. GPM的角色与营销策略密切相关,其核心目标是推动产品的影响, 从而有助于实现更广泛的业务目标, 如 bigger market share or increased revenue. A GPM works across all stages of the customer journey, 领导实验并利用结果提出数据驱动的产品改进建议.

企业与 产品导向型的增长 战略将从政府绩效管理中获益最多, 因为用户获取和留存不是由销售和营销驱动的,而是由优先考虑终端用户和努力提供卓越的产品体验驱动的. 以Netflix为例. 服务广告或其他形式的定向营销是否迫使你注册? 很可能不会. 你可能是通过喜欢这个产品的朋友或家人介绍到这个品牌的.

Consider the Netflix homepage, which becomes more 根据客户的喜好进行个性化 每一次选择. The implementation of this feature was led by user research and data, which found that Netflix needs to capture a user’s attention in the first 90秒艺术作品 has the biggest influence on what users choose to watch. Before being introduced, the initiative underwent 广泛的A/B测试.

这项服务不仅使Netflix有别于当时的其他媒体, 但也帮助观众更快地找到他们想要的内容——一个以用户为中心的完美例子, 以产品为主导的增长计划.

虽然这是一个增长计划, 该特性将由产品经理(PM)和他们的团队批准并实现. PMs and GPMs work toward improving the quality and performance of products, but they do so in different ways and are led by different aims. These competing priorities have the potential to cause friction, so it’s important to define the distinction between the roles.

点和. 增长的点

While growth product management is a subcategory of product management, 这些角色需要不同的技能. As prioritizing growth becomes standard practice, 角色之间的差距可能会缩小, 但就目前而言,它们明显不同.

而PM通常在单个产品上工作,并被为客户提供长期价值所驱动, GPM可以跨多个产品工作,并以公司的商业目标为指导. 而PM拥有 产品策略 和路线图, 领导团队, 管理利益相关者的关系, GPM的主要焦点是缩短实现价值的时间:它们在比pm更短的时间内优先考虑目标和结果.

当gpm用于已经解决用户痛点但尚未优化的现有产品时,它们是最有价值的. 从本质上讲,它们使客户能够更快地从产品中获得他们需要的东西. Organizations should first recruit PMs to build and launch products, then they should hire GPMs to help improve them.


质量数据 is the foundation of growth product management. As the saying goes, what cannot be measured cannot be managed. GPMs track metrics to identify opportunities for improvement, 评估他们的实验结果, and make evidence-based decisions for products.

GPM可能关注的一个或多个度量标准可能是由业务目标定义的, 这通常表现为 一个重要的指标—the one number that a company is focused on above all else. In their day-to-day, though, a GPM will monitor growth metrics specifically. The most commonly used set of growth metrics is known as the 海盗度量框架, 它分解了每个客户所经历的销售漏斗,并包含了gpm可以根据用户行为跟踪增长的五种方法:

  • 收购: How successful are you at getting your product in front of customers?
  • 激活: How successful are you at convincing customers to try your product?
  • 保留: How successful are you at keeping your customers engaged?
  • 推荐: How successful are you at getting customers to recommend your product?
  • 收入: How successful are you at monetizing your product?


-留在网站或应用程序(e.g., 30秒以上)

来源: 戴夫麦克卢尔

监控这些指标将使GPM了解他们应该把精力集中在哪里.e.这也是该产品的弱点所在. 这些指标是相互关联的,所以改变一个指标可能会对其他指标产生影响. A good analogy is a bucket of water: If the bucket is full of holes, you can add as much water as you want (customer acquisition and activation), but the bucket will never fill up (customer retention), so putting the water to use (gaining revenue) will be more difficult.

What Skills and Knowledge Should a 增长 产品 Manager Have?

gpm是具有特定过程知识和跨学科技能的变革推动者. 他们可能来自不同的背景, 包括工程, 数据分析, 数字营销, 以及产品咨询. 不管他们的经历如何, 以下五个技能和特征对成长型产品经理的工作效率至关重要:

1. 对用户旅程的充分理解

以便提出改进建议, gpm需要深入了解用户如何体验和与产品交互,以及他们面临的常见问题. This requires familiarity with customer research and 旅程的映射.

2. 创业方法

A GPM needs to continually question the status quo. They need a willingness to experiment and resilience when experiments fail. A GPM will thrive by being curious, creative, and disruptive.

3. 分析型、数据驱动型思维

政府绩效管理的选择必须以证据为基础, so they must use analytics tools to monitor and evaluate product metrics. They need to run multiple experiments in tandem, 分析结果, and turn those results into actionable changes.

4. 强大的跨职能沟通能力

gpm需要与他们的团队(如果有的话)、其他团队和pm进行沟通. 他们必须阐明并展示他们所建议的改变,以及为什么这些改变是至关重要的. 因为这个角色还很新, 政府绩效经理们可能不得不教育他们的同事,让他们知道他们在做什么,以及他们是如何做的,以避免摩擦.

5. 耐心

gpm持续监控度量标准, 随着时间的推移进行测试, and look for opportunities to make improvements. 产品变更 will not necessarily add value immediately, so patience is key.


While the core responsibility of the GPM remains the same, the role can vary depending on the size and maturity of the business. 在成熟企业和小型初创企业中,GPM的作用有很大的不同.

一些公司已经在产品团队中定义了不同的角色和功能, 强调成长的心态, and boast an infrastructure that prioritizes user data. 其他公司则拥有一个小型的产品团队, 认为实验有风险, 缺乏必要的分析工具, 如 振幅 or Mixpanel年. When working for a company in the latter category, 随着时间的推移,gpm可能需要证明额外资源的价值.

如果GPM有一个团队, 可能包括工程师, 设计师, 市场营销人员, 数据科学家, and will work independently of other product teams. The team might focus on one particular phase of the funnel, 比如用户获取或用户留存, 或者拥有整个漏斗.


In tracking and utilizing data to make evidence-based improvements, gpm在用户行为和持续的产品生命周期之间提供了重要的联系. 各种规模和成熟度的以产品为主导的企业都将从这个即将无处不在的角色中受益.


  • 什么是成长型产品管理?


  • 增长型产品经理是做什么的?


  • What skills should a growth product manager have?

    Core growth product manager skills are a robust understanding of the user journey; an entrepreneurial approach; an analytical, data-driven mindset; strong cross-functional communication; and patience.



验证专家 在产品管理方面




作为成长型产品经理, 敏捷专家, 以及数字创新顾问, 菲利普帮助客户, 无论是初创公司还是老牌公司, use data to deliver an improved user experience and increase product performance.

作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.




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