作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.
Raj Manghani
验证专家 在产品管理方面

Raj是一位资深产品领导者,拥有20多年为国际金融服务公司构建和推出软件解决方案的经验. 他之前的职位包括穆迪分析公司产品管理副总裁和Calypso Technology(现为Adenza)的全球产品管理主管。.


Moody’s Analytics

Innovative products can lead to increased market share, 更高的客户忠诚度, 多元化的收入来源. Most innovation efforts, however, come with significant risk of failure. Placing the customer at the center of the product innovation process is key, but many 产品经理 努力将他们的思维模式从设计产品和服务转变为设计客户体验.

我花了二十多年的时间 研究与应用 innovation techniques to create 用户体验s that promote sustainable and meaningful growth. 我第一次了解到以下框架是在创新冲刺商业教育课程 Section. 这种适应, 几乎可以应用于任何行业, 使我能够采取务实的方法 开发过程. By applying this product innovation strategy, you will be well-positioned to:

  • Discover latent opportunities for your 业务 within your target market.
  • Reframe customer problems to design the right solution.
  • 更好地了解你的客户.
  • 降低风险并优先考虑创新想法.


你可能很熟悉 安索夫矩阵, a grid-style planning tool that plots out the types of growth that arise from new and existing 产品开发 并扩展到新的和现有的市场.


我还发现这个矩阵对形象化很有帮助 创新策略 评估风险水平. 每个象限代表的是:

  • 市场渗透=低风险
    Improve by optimizing an existing product for an existing market.
  • 产品开发=中等风险
    Enhance by offering a new product to an existing market.
  • 市场开发=中等风险
    Expand by launching an existing product in a new market.
  • 分散投资=高风险


Once you have reviewed the possible growth paths with your team, use this four-stage framework to guide your product innovation process:

  1. 了解客户问题.
  2. 设计解决方案.
  3. 优先考虑新想法.
  4. 实验与测试.

这些步骤将帮助你和你的团队发现新的机会,创造新的体验,同时避免 的陷阱 这可能导致创新项目误入歧途. 看看这个框架是如何工作的, 我们将研究虚构的航空公司InnovateAir如何利用它来推动创新 增长战略.


InnovateAir的 产品经理 开始 细分市场 根据旅行者类型:休闲vs. 业务. A sound segmentation strategy must capture key differences in customer behavior and needs.

  • 代表了88%的旅客和25%的利润
  • 对价格更敏感
  • 更少的时间

  • 12%的旅客和75%的利润
  • 少对价格敏感
  • 更多的时间

InnovateAir的产品经理认为,商务旅行者愿意花更多的钱,因为他们通常时间紧迫(并且使用公司的信用卡),所以这部分人有最大的增长潜力. 进一步 市场研究 indicates that 业务 travelers are most concerned about flight delays, 赚取忠诚积分, 座位可用性, 方便往返机场, 还有机场安检的速度.

好奇心是产品经理最好的盟友:接触并与尽可能多的潜在客户交谈以了解他们的观点是很重要的, 他们想要达到的目标, 以及他们希望克服的障碍. InnovateAir的产品经理对商务旅行者进行了多次采访,发现了不同之处 jobs-to-be-done (JTBD)使用 抽象之网 方法. They then analyzed the primary JTBD, which is flying from City A to City B.

Business travelers want to fly because it is 非常高效。, 安全, and pleasant. Barriers are the other flight activities, cost, and delays/cancellations.

通过深入研究并问“为什么”,“产品经理可以理解功能, 社会, 和情感结果 用户体验. 这项研究明确了商务旅行者想要坐飞机的三个主要原因, 安全, 通常都很愉快. It found the four main barriers for 业务 travelers to be cost, 压力, 缺乏生产力, 航班延误或取消.

基于这个练习, InnovateAir的产品经理可以假设,商务旅行者的主要JBTD是从a城市飞往B城市,这是最省事的, 非常高效。, 和富有成效的方式. 


设计解决方案的第一步是了解您当前的产品如何适应整个用户旅程. 通常,你的产品或服务只是 部分 整体的用户体验. 对于InnovateAir, 旅行者的旅程包括飞行体验以及预订等相关活动, 去机场, 通过机场安检. 审核客户更广泛的旅程,找到差距,为实现明确利益的创新提供机会.


对于InnovateAir, 旅程审核确定了不同的提供者在整个旅程中为用户提供服务,但它们之间的信息共享有限, so opportunity exists to integrate ground and flight transportation more closely. 这将为客户提供更加无缝的端到端旅行体验,从而优化生产力并减轻压力.

Perform a competency audit to take stock of your organization’s capabilities and assets. Think of ways you can repurpose these to develop new features or experiences. InnovateAir是这样的:

  • Strong logistics capabilities and access to real-time flight information
  • Track record of establishing 部分nerships with complementary providers (rental car companies, 酒店, 等.)
  • Growing InnovateAir Loyalty network customer base (100 million+)
  • Digital platform (app and website) and engineering talent
  • RIde-booking应用集成: 分享 real-time flight information to streamline getting to and from the 机场.
  • InnovateAir忠诚网络: 让客户互相学习,分享经验,最大限度提高出行效率.
  • 策划旅游套餐: 利用协同过滤等人工智能技术,让商务旅行者最大限度地利用他们的旅行预算.

Looking at this through the 安索夫矩阵 lens, these ideas each fall into a different quadrant. Ride-booking app integration would be market penetration (low risk); the Loyalty network would be 产品开发 (medium risk); curated travel packages would be diversification (high risk).


Prioritize the growth opportunities by performing an analysis using the 霜 (reach, 影响, 货币化, 和努力)框架. 对于InnovateAir, all three ideas have broad reach and 影响 in terms of the 客户价值主张. The differences are in the 货币化 potential and the effort required.

客户忠诚度网络可能是一个很好的功能, but implementing a 社会 media platform would be challenging due to data 隐私条例 以及所需的工程专业知识. 策划旅游套餐也是一个引人注目的想法, and the switching costs to assemble InnovateAir-recommended packages on aggregator sites such as Expedia or Hotwire are low; however, 这样旅行者就有机会在聚合网站上找到同样套餐的更低价格, and this would dilute the revenue potential and 影响 overall 货币化.

The best idea appears to be ride-booking app integration, 由于其广泛的影响, 影响, 盈利能力, and the moderate effort and cost required to develop and launch. 它也是风险最低的. This is the experience that InnovateAir的 产品经理 decided to prioritize and test first.


Greater 业务 traveler satisfaction with a more optimized end-to-end experience
Total potential yearly spend by InnovateAir 业务 travelers on ride-booking trips: $10 billion
5% additional fare for the integrated experience is a reasonable hypothesis
Cost = development costs + marketing costs + 部分nership allowance costs

使用结果, InnovateAir的产品经理提出了一个假设,当通过应用程序整合乘车预订应用程序和实时机场信息时, 顾客会愿意支付额外的5%, 目前平均每次花费约62美元. 产品经理认为这是一个合理的假设,可以通过与约车公司合作并进行一项调查来验证 A / B测试 在目标市场. 每次乘车费用的增加是一个有吸引力的提议,可以在InnovateAir和各自的乘车预订公司之间共享. 根据InnovateAir的商务旅客目前在机场预订出行的渗透率,总体收入机会大致为1美元.5年50亿美元.


降低创新风险的一个很好的工具就是测试. 产品团队可以运行简单、低成本的实验 检验他们的假设 有明确客观的标准.

InnovateAir产品团队设计了一项测试,目标是在美国有州内目的地的InnovateAir忠诚度商务旅客,看看他们是否会使用InnovateAir应用程序而不是优步或Lyft预订机场航班. 他们创造了在登机时预订出发和到达航班的功能, 并将其与实时飞行相结合, 机场, 还有交通信息. A successful outcome would be 25% of travelers using the feature, and more than 50% using it for all their ground transportation needs.


释放新的增长机遇, today’s most innovative companies do not focus exclusively on the products they sell, 而是客户体验. By following the product innovation framework laid out here, 您的产品团队可以确定解决关键问题的方法 痛点 for your existing market that will drive additional revenue, improving your overall offerings. Leveraging this framework mitigates the risk involved with innovative 产品开发, ensuring new products are aligned with 业务 needs and capabilities and have strong ROI潜力, all while offering a new, valuable customer experience.

  • 点1
    • 点2

注:任何参考 Uber and Lyft are made purely in the context of this fictitious case study to illustrate a point. 作者不知道这些乘车预订公司有任何此类商业举措.


  • 什么是创新战略?


  • 为什么创新战略很重要?

    创新战略对于降低创造新产品或进入新市场的风险非常重要. 它确保想法与业务目标和客户需求保持一致,并利用您可以支配的资源.

  • 你如何在产品开发中进行创新?

    为了创新, apply these four steps to your product 开发过程: 了解客户问题, 设计解决方案, 优先考虑新想法, 实验和测试.

Raj Manghani

Raj Manghani

验证专家 在产品管理方面




Raj是一位资深产品领导者,拥有20多年为国际金融服务公司构建和推出软件解决方案的经验. 他之前的职位包括穆迪分析公司产品管理副总裁和Calypso Technology(现为Adenza)的全球产品管理主管。.

作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.


Moody’s Analytics


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