authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
验证专家 在产品管理方面

Alex是设计和商业交叉领域的产品经理, 帮助客户将潜在客户转化为销售.



Every successful product has a reason for existence and a justification for why people love it—a so-called central thesis. 如果论文与用户的需求不一致, 产品往往会做很多不同的事情,但最终都做不好. 当亚马逊在2014年发布Fire Phone时,它的失败部分原因在于“消费者认为苹果在智能手机上的努力完全被误导了.另一个例子是Google+,它是Facebook的翻版。雄心勃勃,但没有明确的用户目标.”

产品 thesis is crucial for targeting the proper market successfully and showcasing a product’s uniqueness to users. 在本文中, I will analyze the foundations of four well-known products to highlight their core theses and the lessons learned from their introduction to the market.


核心论文类似于产品愿景,它是一个问题的解决方案. 每个新特性都旨在支持该解决方案,从而加强论文. 每个项目,无论是硬件、软件还是实物,都有一个主题. 坐在你旁边的杯子, 铅笔, 或者你口袋里的钱包——它们都代表了解决某个问题的解决方案.

一些产品试图解决几个问题. 例如, 像Facebook这样的社交媒体平台提供了不同的解决方案, 包括新闻提要(为用户显示相关信息), 信使(轻松聊天), 或者市场(在社区内买卖东西). 它们都是特定用户问题的解决方案.

Every item has a thesis: A pencil is for writing, a mug is for drinking tea, a wallet is for money


发现 核心产品陈述 对确定初始值至关重要 市场准入. 通过研究市场,你可以掌握客户的问题和解决方案. 当你发现一个没有解决方案的问题,或者你可以证明你的想法是先进的, 现在正是明确你最初的产品主题的时候.

当我在旅游平台Expedia工作时,我必须为大学生开发一个旅游应用程序. 第一个, I immersed myself in the research: I downloaded every app that my customers were using and tested it to determine its thesis. 通过这样做, 我能够预测产品的路线图, 因为它的轨迹源于论文. 例如, an app designed to make rapid multi-platform flight comparisons would likely expand into additional comparison verticals, such as hotel or car rental comparisons; an app designed to negotiate hotel prices would likely scale to more cities with a focus on offering the best hotel price. 作为市场上的新参与者,你可以预测竞争对手的策略并超越他们.


Spotting a thesis requires immersing yourself in a product to grasp its features and discover the prevailing patterns. 如果你不能发现它们,很可能没有中心论点. 通常, 这意味着失败的风险, 然而, 有一些著名的产品被证明是这个规则的例外.


当苹果公司在2007年推出首款智能手机时, 这是第一款完全基于触摸的智能手机, 后来被认为是现在手机的原型. 它进入市场的论点是 手机是触摸屏的完美使用案例. 这个革命性的想法导致了硬件和软件的重大变化. 手指导航取代了迷你滚轮或实体键盘. iPhone的屏幕空间更大, 哪一个改变了拍照和使用应用程序的游戏规则. 尽管在iPhone之前就有触屏手机, 这是第一款完全围绕它设计的手机.

 iPhone entered the market with the thesis that 手机是触摸屏的完美使用案例

然而,这个装置并不完美. Switching from Blackberry’s physical keyboard to a touchscreen keyboard meant users lost the ability to type without looking at the keyboard and had to learn to type on smooth glass. 除了这个输入移位, the original iPhone did not have the bells and whistles we take for granted in today’s smartphones. 的re were no games or the App Store, so the default apps were the only ones the user could have. 然而, they were designed to use a doubled screen to its capacity—the keyboard was allotted by showing either the letters and symbols or the number pad. 通过专注于完善触感并围绕它调整整个用户体验, Apple’s product 团队 convinced the world that touchscreens and the larger screens they afforded were the future of smartphones.


拥有长跑道的大企业可以承担风险 推出产品 没有一个明确的论点,然后具体化或调整论点, 基于显示用户最看重的功能集的数据. It is an expensive and risky method but an effective way to understand users’ needs and preferences. 如果用户发现最初的产品有价值, a company can reorient its feature set around the key incentive and turn it into a successful product.

一个很好的例子是 亚莉克莎 这是亚马逊在2014年推出的家庭助手,比苹果发布Siri晚了三年. Initially, 亚莉克莎’s thesis was that the best place for a voice assistant was the kitchen counter. 在发射, it had eight microphones (which was a lot) to catch every single sound in the house and was chock-full of features that were considered to be helpful to a household.


As people slowly began to adopt and love 亚莉克莎 in their homes, a few clear patterns came into view. 而不是用亚莉克莎来买东西, 人们大多用这个设备来播放音乐, 设置定时器, 问基于事实的问题, 获取天气预报. 不像手机上的Siri语音助手, 专为个人任务设计,如打电话给朋友或设置日历约会, 亚莉克莎是为家庭成员分享而创建的. 的 focus on assisting everyone rather than a single person seems to have inspired some of 亚莉克莎’s unique features such as bedtime stories, 笑话, 新闻简报. 随着时间的推移, the 亚莉克莎 product 团队 also invested in what their users seem to care about: great sound quality at an affordable price to help with simple tasks. 这使论文从 负责采购产品的厨房助理 to 一个经济实惠的扬声器,帮助家庭,使该产品成为市场领先者之一.


When the first iteration of the Apple Watch was released in 2015, it had no discernible thesis. 在苹果推出智能手表之前,智能手表已经存在了很多年. 的 卵石 手表显示通知和 Garmin 运动追踪器是用来跑步的吗. Apple Watch似乎包罗万象——它有应用程序, 通知, 还有心率, 但没有一件事做得特别好. 除了, 它被捆绑在iPhone上, 因此,用户需要随身携带手表和手机, 哪一个不适合跑步. 在苹果手表系列3的几次迭代之后, 这款手表的主题完全是关于健康的. 在每个后续迭代中, 苹果增加了更多关注健康的功能, 从心电图到心律失常检测. 公司解除了手表与手机的连接, 提高运行状况跟踪的准确性, 并以新的界面复杂性将产品带到了最前沿.


尽管对于产品经理来说,构建许多特性是一种自然的诱惑, 论文概念表明,他们不应该过度劳累——更多并不意味着更好. 一个很好的但不那么广为人知的例子是 Minut智能家居传感器. 它可以分析家里的声音,以识别入室盗窃等安全问题, 火, 一氧化碳泄漏, 甚至是霉菌生长, 然后向所有者发送通知. 如果你租的公寓有“无派对”的规定, 有人举办了一个盛大的派对, the Sensor will send you a message about a possible party going on based on its sound analysis. 它还能测量温度和湿度, 除此之外, 跟踪房子里的动作, 这样你就能知道客人什么时候退房了.


乍一看,传感器有许多不同的功能. 然而,本文的论题是围绕家庭安全展开的: 通过分析声音来检测对家庭安全的威胁. 附加的温度传感器, 湿度, 空气压力拓宽了家庭安全观念,保护家庭免受霉菌的侵害, 温度突然上升和下降, 或者空气污染.

人 do not seek to interact with home security every day; they prefer to be alerted only if issues arise. Minut的产品团队非常重视这一见解, laying the product’s foundations on this user preference and not overworking with smart features. 例如, 插入语音助手, 闹钟, 或者显示温度和天气的屏幕可能会混淆论文, 因为这些都是我们每天都在使用的功能. 也, 助手的职能, 闹钟, and security system would compete with each other and risk fulfilling many tasks ordinarily rather than one exceptionally well.


的 thesis is not a rigid concept, it is a flexible product vision that needs constant adjustments. 有些公司在每次重大迭代时都会调整他们的论点. 第一个iPhone版本专注于屏幕, 后来,它转向了更好的应用程序, 最后是镜头. 当客户和市场通过使产品成功来验证产品的论点时, 竞争对手通常也会采用它,并开始复制产品. 这个论点很有说服力,客户买了它,现在这个特性集是赌注. Each iteration of a successful product will now need a different reason to exist—a new thesis—in order to differentiate itself from the imitators.

有时候,具有强大主题的产品会失败. 要避免这种情况,就要进行全面的指导 用户研究 确保你的 团队 准备好转向开发新产品了吗. 在一家旅游平台工作的时候, I found that almost a third of college-aged people ranked group bookings as one of their biggest travel frustrations. We also discovered that a high number of solo travelers had trouble finding the cheapest itinerary. 这两个问题都很严重,其中一个问题适用于大量的旅行, 另一组的旅行次数要少得多,但每次旅行的支出要高得多. 我的团队分裂了. 其中一半的人寻求解决团体旅行的问题, 而另一半则想推荐量身定制的旅行路线. 我鼓励我的团队回答这个问题:“如果每个解决方案都失败了,我们该如何转向??答案是, 是什么让我们专注于推荐旅游路线, was that pivoting from a trip comparison platform to nearly any other travel product would be smoother than pivoting out of a group travel coordination product. 协作需要许多与旅行无关的特性和工具, 例如轮询组, 行程更新清单, 邀请团队成员分享行程.


撰写产品论文是每个产品经理的基本职责. 的 thesis allows 团队s to get acquainted with a global picture of the market and position their product accordingly. 向用户展示论文是另一个挑战. 虽然有些产品推出时有一个坚实的论点,立即符合客户的需求, 许多公司直到公司成立后才明确了自己的理念. 只要你做好调整的准备,这两种方法都能取得成功, 或者万一失败, 改变产品的主题,以满足客户的需求.


  • 什么是产品声明?

    product语句, 也被称为愿景陈述或论文, 你希望通过产品实现的是想象中的未来吗. It is an ambitious and inspiring statement that immerses you into using the product and suggests a great experience.

  • 愿景陈述的例子是什么?

    Good examples of a vision statement are the following: 1) A world where you can belong anywhere (Airbnb, home rental platform); 2) Make second-hand as a first choice worldwide (Vinted, second-hand clothing marketplace); 3) From traveling alone in the urban jungle to having a friend to 指南 you through (Trafi, 城市移动平台).

  • 为什么产品愿景很重要?

    A product vision aligns a 团队 with the product’s goal and gives the north star to which 团队 members can constantly refer. 这一愿景也激励了员工,并提出了最好的用户体验.

  • 产品愿景的理想品质是什么?

    产品愿景的理想品质应该涵盖用户和公司的观点. 从公司的角度来看, 它应该为自己的哲学设定标准, 指南, 激励员工. 从用户的角度来看, 它应该帮助人们同情这个品牌,鼓励他们使用这个产品.

  • 如何写产品陈述?

    如果你想写一个乘积表达式, 首先定义你的产品与其他产品的独特之处. 第二个, 想象一下你想用你的产品实现的未来:最好的情况是什么? 第三, 将它与产品的特征结合起来,以便制作简短的广告, 吸引人的, 以及鼓舞人心的声明.



验证专家 在产品管理方面




Alex是设计和商业交叉领域的产品经理, 帮助客户将潜在客户转化为销售.

authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.




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