作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
验证专家 在项目管理方面

With more than 15 years of experience as a project leader, Jonathan has led projects for Fortune 100 clients as well as FEMA, 美国陆军, 以及美国国务院. 作为一名敏捷专家,他在许多行业工作过,包括技术、物联网和业务流程外包.



Creating a schedule is essential for any project. 即使在敏捷中, 事物发展迅速, 为了计划和交付结果,团队仍然需要估计每个任务所需的时间和财务资源.

正确使用时, 敏捷项目评估技术使团队能够更好地分配他们的技能和资源, and prioritize certain 任务 and features more effectively. Inaccurate estimations can lead to late delivery, 潜在地危及涉众关系,甚至项目的整体成功. Estimation also helps make teams more accountable for their deliverables, building discipline by creating benchmarks for assigned work.

有几种流行的评估技术可供经验丰富的产品负责人使用 Scrum master 可能很熟悉. Selecting the right one is critical for achieving the best outcomes, and each method is unique and has its own advantages. Which technique you select depends on a variety of factors, including the complexity of the project, 团队的规模, 以及你是否远程工作. 以下是对敏捷项目最有用的评估技术的概述,以及为您的团队确定最佳评估技术的指导方针.

(注:在每个选项中, 产品负责人或Scrum Master将充当推动者,而不参与练习.)

Planning Poker: For Precise Estimations

In this consensus-building technique, the facilitator gives every team member nine cards, each containing a number representing a level of complexity. The numbers are usually the Fibonacci series, where the sum of the last two numbers equals the following one (e.g.(1、2、3、5、8、13、21、34、55、89)或它的变体,为了方便,这些数字被四舍五入. 使用这个指数序列, 而不是线性刻度, allows teams to more easily recognize the differences between, 因此是复杂的, 任务. 对于每个特征或 故事点, 团队成员打出这张牌, 脸朝下, 他们认为代表努力的量——通常用执行任务所需的持续时间或成本来衡量(1通常代表最少的努力量)。. 卡片是串联显示的, 如果某一特性或用户故事中的任何一张牌彼此之间差别很大, outliers present the reasoning behind their votes. Team members keep voting until they reach a consensus.

The most commonly used 敏捷 estimation method, 计划扑克有助于最小化参与者相互影响的可能性, which increases the accuracy of the final estimation. It also utilizes time effectively by limiting options, and teams usually reach unanimity fairly quickly. 这种技术对于分布式团队来说是完美的,因为它可以很容易地远程复制. 几个 web应用程序 为这个目的而存在.

t恤尺寸: For Early-stage Estimation

Similar to Planning Poker but with fewer options, this method allows for the rough estimation of a large number of items. Participants use cards with T-shirt sizes—XS, S, M, L, XL—to represent what they believe is the effort required for each item. 团队成员先出牌,然后讨论和重新评估,直到达成一致.

The ease and simplicity of this technique, 以及它的协作性质, 对于不熟悉评估和远程工作的团队来说,这是理想的选择. 事实上,它只提供了五个类别,这让它显得有些生硬, 但是它提供了一个坚实的起点,通常在项目开始时,当待办事项列表中有大量的项目,并且只需要一个高级的评估时使用.


相对简单快捷, this technique is best employed digitally using a whiteboard tool such as 米罗. 主持人创建一个待办事项列表,每个团队成员都有一个独特颜色的点贴纸,然后他们可以将其放在列表中的项目旁边——一个贴纸用于最简单的项目, 最复杂的是5. 一个物品接收到的点越多,它的尺寸和复杂性就越大.

这里需要注意的是,参与者可能会受到其他人在特定故事点旁边放置的贴纸数量的影响. However, this can be overcome with certain software by 隐藏个人选票 直到最后. 点投票提供了一个易于消化的视觉格式和精度水平可以提高, 如果需要, 通过使用更大的规模, 比如1-10.

关联映射: For Teams in the Same Location

关联映射, sometimes known as Affinity Grouping or Affinity Estimation, 是关于比较的, grouping items that require similar levels of effort into sets. 结果类似于t恤尺寸,但达到这个结果的过程是不同的. 该团队首先在墙的左侧贴上“较小”的标签,在右侧贴上“较大”的标签, 表示努力程度. 项目在团队和团队之间分配, 在串联, team members place their items on the wall in between the two labels, grouping together similarly sized items. 然后,他们讨论团队成员认为组织不正确的项目,并相应地重新安排项目.

This technique is best suited to a team working in the same space. As it offers a rough estimation of item complexity, 只有在不太详细地了解项目持续时间和成本的情况下,才应该使用它.


对于这项技术, 主持人创建了9个“桶”,” usually in the form of large cards arranged on a table. 这些牌是用斐波那契数列或其变体按顺序编号的. 待办事项写在较小的卡片或便利贴上,并在小组成员之间分配. 首先,一个人随机选择一件物品,并将其放入中位数:8. 然后,每个团队成员将他们的项目放在他们认为与所需努力相对应的桶中, 相对于第一项. 在练习结束时, group members review all the buckets; if someone believes an item has been placed incorrectly, the team discusses it until consensus is reached.

As items are placed in quick succession, this method is appropriate for teams estimating a large number of items. Individuals are asked to be accountable for estimating items on their own, with input from the team only coming at the end, 因此斗系统更好地服务于熟悉估算的团队成员.

Ordering Method: For Experienced Teams

这项技术提供了一种简单的方法来查看项目之间的关系,并提供了一个很好的概述,什么必须优先考虑. 引导者将项目随机地放在墙上或桌子上(如果位于同一位置), and using a digital whiteboard if working remotely. The aim is to reorder them from low to high. 团队成员轮流,每人将他们选择的一个项目向上或向下移动一个位置. 移动是基于该物品与它两侧的物品相比较所需的努力.

Due to the emphasis on individual decision-making, Ordering Method works best with a team that is familiar with estimating.


指导团队完成有效的评估过程是任何敏捷专家或团队领导的基本技能. By assigning values to features or stories, 团队成员可以将他们的主观意见转化为可量化的衡量标准,这将有助于规划下一个项目,并允许领导者有效地跟踪绩效. 明智的做法是 trust the estimates for individual 任务 offered by your team members as these will be based on their experience, unless data from previous projects indicates a different conclusion.

提醒团队,如果假设或依赖关系在项目生命周期中发生变化,那么对评估持乐观态度是适得其反的, at least one more estimation session will be necessary.

The nature of the project and the size of a team, as well as team members’ familiarity with estimation, will dictate which technique is the best fit.


  • 什么是敏捷评估?

    敏捷评估是对产品待办事项列表的检查,目的是评估完成每个任务所需的工作量. Effort is usually measured in terms of time or financial resources.

  • 我们为什么要使用估计?

    Estimation is an important part of project delivery, 允许团队制定时间表, 有效地划分任务的优先级, and allocate skills and resources accordingly.

  • What are the 敏捷 estimation techniques?

    Some of the most popular estimation techniques are Planning Poker, t恤尺寸, 点投票, 关联映射, 斗系统, 及订购方法.



验证专家 在项目管理方面




With more than 15 years of experience as a project leader, Jonathan has led projects for Fortune 100 clients as well as FEMA, 美国陆军, 以及美国国务院. 作为一名敏捷专家,他在许多行业工作过,包括技术、物联网和业务流程外包.

作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.



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