authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.
验证专家 在工程
13 的经验

Storm is a front-end developer with 7+ years of experience and a focus on UI/UX, JavaScript和React.


如果你是 软件工程师, you’ve probably spent a lot of time refining your environment to boost your productivity. 你已经有了你最喜欢的IDE. 您已经有了自己喜欢的调试器. 您已经拥有了最喜欢的性能监视工具. 但是用于编写文档、手册和报告的工具呢? 毕竟,写作确实占用了你大量的时间,不是吗? 的确,是时候认真对待你的写作工具了.

让我们记住这一点 你很专业因此,所见即所得编辑器可能是您的最佳选择,也可能不是. 你不一定想要(甚至不喜欢)!)导航菜单,工具栏和色带来格式化您的文本.

那如果, 而不是, you could easily add all of your formatting styles right into the text as simple inline syntax to yield fully formatted text?

事实上,你可以. 这是 减价 这就是本教程的全部内容.


Word processing software is written to satisfy an extremely wide array of users and use cases and, 像这样, 需要提供各种功能. 但很明显, only a small subset of that functionality is likely to be relevant to each individual user. 对于大多数用户来说, who simply want to author a document (and don’t need to design a marketing brochure or poster), 只是很多人中的一小部分, 许多可用的选项都是相关的.

事实上, Microsoft clearly realized this a few years ago when they redesigned the user interface of Microsoft Word into distinct functional groupings that they called “ribbons”. 然而,有趣的是, most users will tell you that they found the new interface more confusing and difficult to navigate than its predecessor.


Indeed, more can sometimes be less when it comes to ease of use and productivity.


面对现实吧,你是软件工程师,不是平面设计师. You just want to write that manual, or 技术文件, 或报告, and be done with it. You’ll be very happy and content with some basic formatting capabilities like headings, 项目符号或编号列表, 和代码块. 对了,还有一些字体格式(粗体,斜体等).)也会有帮助. 就是这样. (天哪,如果你能做到这一点 vi那就太棒了!)



约翰•格鲁伯 (来自技术大师和互联网活动家的大量贡献 亚伦斯)在2004年创建了减价语言 我们的目标 使人们能够用易于阅读的文字来写作, 易于编写的纯文本格式, 并可选择将其转换为结构有效的XHTML(或HTML)”.

减价被设计成可读的, without looking like it has been marked up with tags or formatting instructions (unlike text formatted with a markup language like RTF or HTML which can be both hard to author and hard to read in its raw format).

减价允许您使用易于阅读的方式编写, 易于编写的纯文本格式, 然后可以将其转换为结构有效的HTML. 所以,准确地说, 降价实际上是两件事:

  1. 纯文本格式化语法
  2. A software tool (the first version of which was written in Perl) that converts the plain text formatting into HTML.

减价 incorporates a handful of simple, fairly intuitive, and easy-to-use syntax conventions. Especially for you as a 软件工程师 – who is not put off by needing to learn and use these basic syntax conventions – 减价 can indeed be the 最小阻力路径 在你想写的东西和别人写出来之间.



降价很容易学. 超级简单. You can learn the basics in five minutes and it will quickly become second nature. And – just like the relationship between CSS and CSS preprocessors – you can use as little or as much as you like.

如果你习惯了任何形式的纯文本书写约定, 那么你可能已经熟悉了一些降价惯例, 比如句子开头的数字或破折号来创建一个列表, 在单词周围加上星号以示强调, 等等....... So, for instance, if you want to display something in italics, simply wrap it in asterisks like <代码>*本*> < /代码 (而不是笨拙的HTML语法,如 <代码>this> < /代码).

Similarly, you can specify an H1 heading by simply adding a ‘#’ prefix to your line (e.g., <代码>#节标题> < /代码,而不是 <代码>

Section Heading

> < /代码).

学习减价的另一个重要用途, 尤其是对我们软件工程师来说, 是将其用于源代码存储库的文档. 大多数回购包括一个 <代码>自述.md> < /代码 文件(<代码>.md> < /代码 是减价文件的标准扩展名). 例如,Github有自己的“Github风味减价”,它补充道 额外的功能 特别是开发文档. 这当然可以节省用HTML编写文档的时间.

As a simple example, let’s say you wanted to include the following snippet in your documentation:

Initiating Plugins

启动 <代码>pluginName> < /代码 在你的容器上使用jQuery如下所示:

<代码>$(function() {$('#container')).pluginName (); });> < /代码 Using our container’s ID, 我们可以用jQuery方法<代码>初始化<代码>pluginName> < /代码.pluginName ()> < /代码.

下面是在HTML和HTML中如何实现这一点的比较. 减记:


Initiating Plugins


启动 pluginName 在你的容器上使用jQuery如下所示:

在你的容器上使用jQuery初始化' pluginName ',如下所示:

$(function() {$('#container')).pluginName (); });
$(function() {$('#container')).pluginName (); });`

Using our container's ID, we can initiate pluginName 使用jQuery方法 .pluginName ()

*Using our container's ID, we can initiate `pluginName` 使用jQuery方法 `.pluginName ()”.*

获得进一步的帮助开始, there are many 减价教程s online to help get you up-to-speed including a 减价的概述 约翰·格鲁伯(减价的创造者)以及一个在线的 减价教程.


Once you’ve written your article in 减价, you’ll need a an app to parse the the syntax into HTML. 有一些很棒的 免费的 包括:

  • StackEdit - browser-based 减价 editor that has a few sync options with popular services like Google Drive and Dropbox
  • 在线Kramdown编辑器 -另一个基于浏览器的减价编辑器,界面非常简单
  • 谅解备忘录 - the best Mac-based 减价 writer I’ve come across as a geekier option for developers; tons of features and 免费的 (while in beta) [这是我用来写这篇文章的]
  • 减价Pad -伟大的减价编辑器的Windows
  • 文本 - a nice cross-platform (Mac and Windows) editor; exports to multiple formats such as PDF, .doc和ePub

Some major platforms have already adopted (or at least allowed) 减价 use in their editors for those who wish to use it. 与他人, 比如WordPress, Evernote, 和谷歌文档, 原生支持(在撰写本文时)还没有到位, 但是定制解决方案已经被第三方引入. 这些包括:

  • 流行的新博客平台 , in pursuit of streamlining online writing, uses 减价 for its content editor.
  • For WordPress, the Jetpack plugin now officially supports 减价, which you can enable under Settings > Discussion 如果你使用插件. 或者你可以使用插件,比如 WP-减价 which will convert your post markdown content to HTML, and back to 减价 when you need to edit it.
  • 对于印象笔记,一些减价应用程序,如在线编辑器 标示 或者Mac编辑器 笑柄 允许直接导出和发布到笔记. Or if you prefer to use the Evernote web app directly, you can use a browser extension called 减记在这里 which converts a selected note written into 减价 to formatted text with a click of the toolbar button.
  • 谷歌文档本身还不支持减价,但是一些编辑器(比如 StackEdit)将直接导出/同步到驱动器.


当然,简单也有其局限性. 我已经解释过了, 减价 was not written for complex word processing tasks requiring advanced formatting features. 如果这就是你需要的,减价不是合适的工具.

但是对于需要编写用户手册或 技术文档 或者一份技术报告, 减价 provides a near-perfect balance between simplicity and the features that you need.

Perhaps the biggest drawback – especially for us engineers who are change control junkies – is the inability to 工作协作 in 减价 and to track changes (one notable exception to this, though, is the StackEdit 谷歌文档插件. 当然, 用最少的努力, one can simply collaborate on a 减价 doc via a git repository and thereby get all the change tracking and collaboration that one typically needs.


对所有人来说,学习减价也是如此? 当然不是. 没有一个工具是这样的.

但如果你是一个软件工程师, 它很可能正是你一直在寻找的写作工具. 所以,如果你还没有尝试过,你真的应该试一试.



验证专家 在工程
13 的经验




Storm is a front-end developer with 7+ years of experience and a focus on UI/UX, JavaScript和React.

authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.


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