authors are vetted experts in their fields 和 write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed 和 validated by Toptal experts in the same field.
验证专家 在设计

Micah helps businesses craft meaningful connections through br和ing, illustration, 和 design.


Photoshop插件被多个学科的设计师使用. 它们增加了功能,提高了效率,增强了创造力. 但是有一个问题. 有这么多选择, it’s hard to know which plugins are worthwhile (even more so when they cost money).

为了帮助你,我们收集了最好的 Photoshop 可用的插件,并总结了每个插件的优点.


解决方案: 简单的削减

简单的削减 does what its name suggests—makes cutting Photoshop layers a breeze. With the click of a mouse, the plugin splits layers along guides, selections, 和 paths. In addition to pixel layers, 简单的削减 works on shapes, smart objects, 和 text.

Even better, layer styles 和 shape attributes remain with the original layer 转移到新创建的图层, 所有的切割动作都由一个直观的插件面板控制.

奖金: 简单的削减的创造者, 西蒙•亨特, has an entire stable of Photoshop插件 that aid in tasks like grid creation, 圆角, 还有图层组织.

成本: 美元12美元



解决方案: 大地惊雷

大地惊雷 Texture Supply isn’t a plugin but it might be the best collection of Photoshop brushes, 行动, 纹理, 以及今天设计师可以使用的效果.

许多数字放置的纹理是显而易见的, 而且这种效果感觉很廉价, 但《欧博体育app下载》的产品经过精心制作,看起来非常自然. 最重要的是,他们有一个严肃的后盾 退货政策.

成本: 因产品而异



解决方案: GuideGuide

When it comes to precision, Photoshop’s guide 和 ruler system leaves much to be desired. 幸运的是,有GuideGuide这个插件,它可以引导向导. GuideGuide可以很容易地创建自定义网格, 保存指南预设, 标记边缘和中点, 并根据画板和对象的尺寸添加参考线.

成本: 每年36美元



解决方案: 爆炸3

将图像缩放到原来的大小之外, 像素化发生了——这是Photoshop的第一堂课. 不幸的是,模糊像素不会很快消失. Not when our clients only have access to low-res graphics or we’re forced to crop photos because of strange objects (or people) lurking in the background.

Yes, there are techniques 和 tricks to obscure pixelation, but they’re not failproof. 《欧博体育app下载》用算法解决了像素化问题, 但是设计师所需要做的就是定义一个作物区域, 输入几个维度, 然后点击一个按钮.

成本: 79美元


Problem 5: Juggling Screen 设计 项目 Between Photoshop, Sketch, 和 InVision Is Tedious

解决方案: 工艺

众所周知并被广泛使用, 工艺将Photoshop和Sketch文件同步到InVision进行设计协作. 不仅如此,它还允许 设计师 制作互动原型, 管理设计系统, 进口高端库存摄影, 并注释设计文件.

成本: 免费的



解决方案: 融洽的关系 & 重复

创建模式应该不难,但它往往是困难的. 融洽的关系 & 重复通过三个简单的步骤生成无缝模式重复:

  1. 按需要排列图案元素.
  2. 选择要包含在模式中的所有元素.
  3. 使用融洽的关系测试模式是什么样子的 & 重复面板.

Adjusting patterns is as effortless as dragging elements around the artboard 和 retesting. 一旦最终设计完成, 模式重复很容易格式化, 大小的, 并通过插件保存.

成本: 100美元



解决方案: 颜色工具包

Digital artist Rico Holmes crafted a collection of plugins that dramatically improves color selection in Photoshop. 他的所有四个颜色插件都是崇高的,但皇冠上的宝石是 变色龙适应性调色板,这个插件值整个颜色工具包的价格.

The 变色龙适应性调色板 automatically generates a variety of color schemes 和 functions based on a document’s selected color. Dynamic updating of palettes can be locked so that desired colors aren’t lost, 和 the plugin panel can be 规模d to any size (a thoughtful space-saving feature).

成本: 美元24美元



解决方案: Avocode

There are more digital design tools than ever, 和 the number continues to climb. The Avocode plugin allows Photoshop 设计师 to join forces with digital product pros who prefer to use different programs. Avocode is a cloud-based tool where 设计师 和 developers can open an array of design file-types for inspection, 资产共享, 视觉反馈, 代码生成, 和传球给队友.

成本: 起价为每月17美元



解决方案: 影子

Photoshop中的阴影很容易. 阴影? 没有那么多. 影子是一个插件,使投射阴影像投影一样简单. 角, 规模, 模糊, 不透明度, color, 和太阳的位置都是可编辑的插件面板, 和 the parameters of shadows are linked 和 saved to their assigned objects.

成本: 美元15美元


问题10:在Adobe Illustrator中对齐和分布图层更容易

解决方案: 对齐和分发

与Adobe Illustrator相比, 在Photoshop中对齐和分配对象总是感觉有点尴尬. 值得庆幸的是,Toshiyuki Takahashi创建了一个名为对齐和分发的插件. 沉默寡言的人, Takahashi的插件描述完美地强调了它的价值, “它的工作原理类似于Illustrator中的对齐面板.”

奖金: 高桥也做了一个 探路者插件 在Photoshop中.

成本: 免费的



解决方案: EasyMockups

手机设计模型是潜在设计客户的一大动力. 为什么? Because they position design work 在 real-world settings 和 help clients envision what their own product might become. 令人信服的模型需要时间和技能——除非有捷径.

EasyMockups is a plugin that equips 设计师 with 10 contextual mockups that can be used to showcase work. Backgrounds 和 devices are interchangeable, 和 designs are added to mockups via top-level folders.

成本: 免费的



解决方案: SVG层

当SVG导入到Photoshop中时,它会被栅格化. 这会使图形变平,使其矢量编辑属性失效. SVG层 is a plugin that amends this pain point by allowing users to open SVGs as vectors, 将svg编辑为矢量, 并将svg保存为矢量-所有这些都在Photoshop中.

成本: 19美元美元



解决方案: Luminar 4

一个用于编辑照片的Photoshop插件? 想象一下,. Luminar 4 is a powerful photo enhancer that both experts 和 beginners will find useful. 除了它的70个预加载过滤器, Luminar 4利用人工智能来清除不需要的物体, 减少噪音, 并在照片中创建逼真的灯光效果.

成本: 89美元


Problem 14: Professional Font 设计 Programs Are Too Expensive for Casual Use

解决方案: Fontself制造商

In the world of visual design, most 设计师 work with text on a regular basis. 随着排版技巧的提高,一个问题出现了:“我能自己制作字体吗??”

答案是肯定的, 这是相对简单的, 只是没有专业的字体设计程序. There’s nothing wrong with pro font programs, but they’re overkill for the average bespoke font.

Fontself制造商允许设计师使用他们自己的, 用于创建和导出OpenType字体文件的自定义字形. Spacing 和 kerning are easily defined, 和 alternative glyphs 和 ligatures may be added.

成本: $79(与Adobe Illustrator版本捆绑)



解决方案: 动画工具栏专业版

Photoshop拥有广泛的2D动画功能. 不幸的是,它们隐藏在设计糟糕的用户界面中. 结果是, most animators leverage Photoshop’s brushes 和 effects to create scenes 和 characters before moving outside of the program to animate.

艺术家和设计师 对逐帧动画制作感兴趣 Photoshop, the 动画工具栏专业版 plugin significantly improves the user experience. 如何? By making the animation interface more intuitive 和 highlighting capabilities that are virtually invisible without the plugin.

奖金: 动画工具栏专业版 备忘单

成本: $ 20美元



网站上有超过1100个Photoshop插件 Adobe交换. 这是一个很好的资源,但没有什么比第一手的推荐更重要. Pay it forward 和 help fellow 设计师 by sharing noteworthy Photoshop插件, 行动, 并在评论中进行扩展.


  • Photoshop的优点是什么?

    Photoshop brings decades of analog design tools 和 processes into a single digital interface. 通过允许动作被撤消和允许设计师使用图层, it saves countless hours 和 fosters creative outcomes that would be technically impossible or prohibitively expensive using traditional tools.

  • 什么是Photoshop,它的用途是什么?

    Photoshop是一个数字设计工具. 传统上, 它被用于照片编辑,但因为它是如此强大, 艺术家和设计师 from a wide range of disciplines have made it central to their workflows. 如今,插画家、UI设计师和数字艺术家都在使用Photoshop.

  • Photoshop是什么时候发明的??

    栅格图形编辑器Photoshop是由Adobe公司推出的. 1990年2月. 在正式发布前, Photoshop是由John和Thomas Knoll兄弟在20世纪80年代末开发的. Interestingly, the first edition of Photoshop was made available only to Macintosh users.

  • 我把Photoshop插件放在哪里?

    Photoshop插件 are installed differently depending on the operating system being used. 大多数插件都有特定的说明, but users should also reference Adobe’s help site as there are a number of potential obstacles—the biggest being version incompatibility.

  • Photoshop插件存储在哪里?

    After download, Photoshop插件 are installed 和 stored in folders on individual user devices. Generally, plugins will come with installation instructions that explain where they will be stored. Always be careful to download the plugin version that is compatible with the edition of Photoshop you are using.



验证专家 在设计




Micah helps businesses craft meaningful connections through br和ing, illustration, 和 design.

authors are vetted experts in their fields 和 write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed 和 validated by Toptal experts in the same field.


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